
The Scottish Chamber Orchestra’s Principal Cello, Philip Higham, leads the SCO’s strings players in a sumptuous programme that explores music through Baroque, Classical and Romantic eras.

Boccherini’s ‘Musica Notturna delle Strade di Madrid’ evokes the gaiety and bustle of Spain’s capital during the 18th Century, while the composer’s Cello Concerto in G can only be described as a Baroque masterpiece, offering Philip Higham the opportunity to demonstrate his virtuosity as he takes on the role of soloist.

Mozart’s Fantasie in F minor, originally written for an amazingly complex mechanical organ, is performed here in an arrangement for strings only. This intricate work is even more fantastic than the machine for which it was created.

Mendelssohn’s String Symphony No 10 is clearly reminiscent of the composer’s musical influences with nods to both CPE Bach and Haydn as well as Zelter with whom he studied. The end result though, is Mendelssohn at his very best.

Mozart’s Serenade No 13 – better known as Eine Kleine Nachtmusik – is one of the composer’s most enduringly popular works. It figured prominently in the award-winning 1984 film Amadeus and has now become one of the most iconic of classical works.

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Elgin Town Hall

1 Trinity Pl, Elgin
IV30 1UL

01343 619900
