Following a three year break due to the pandemic and Covid-19 restrictions, we are delighted to welcome the return of the Cullen Skink World Championships.

The Cullen Skink World Championships is organised by Cullen Voluntary Tourist Initiative.  Spectators are welcome to the event.

Two competitions are held on the day; the Traditional Cullen Skink and Cullen Skint with a Twist and contestants can enter either or both competitions.

Judges will taste each competitors version in a blind tasting, with the contestant with the highest score being declared as the Cullen Skink World Champion for each competition.

Come along and spectate, try the different competition entries and see if you agree with the judges as to who is the Cullen Skink World Champion!


Cullen Skink Traditional

10-15 am All competitors must report to the Organisers by this time.

11-00 to 11-45am During this time each competitor will prepare his soup dish.

11-45 Each competitor must serve up two bowls of the completed soup dish.

11-45 to 12-45 Judging will take place.

Please note that the winner will not be announced until after the second competition is completed

Cullen Skink with a Twist

13-15 All competitors must report to the Organisers by this time.

14-00 to 14-45am During this time each competitor will prepare his soup dish.

14-45 Each competitor must serve up two bowls of the completed soup dish.

14-45 to 15-30 Judging will take place.


The announcement of the winners and the presentation of the Trophies will take place at

The Seafield Arms Hotel

Seafield Street
AB56 4RR
