Covid-19 Business Update

Covid-19 Cases in Moray

Many of you will have seen or heard about the recent news headlines and social media posts regarding a rise in COVID-19 cases in Moray Speyside. This page provides Covid-19 information for businesses in Moray.

At present there is no indication that Moray will be put in to a ‘local’ lockdown, but cases are of concern as Moray’s infection rate stands at a level where it is likely that the region will not move to Level 2 as per the Scottish Government roadmap at the same time as other areas.

Test positivity in Moray is at 3.2% – across Scotland that figure is close to just 1% – and the R-rate in Moray is at 1.8, so every person in Moray that becomes infected is, on average, passing it on to two other people.” 

There are some things we can all do to help bring the infection rates back in line and make sure our region’s tourism businesses can see a busy and successful 2021 season.

Please take some time to make sure you’re doing everything you can to help.


F – Face coverings in enclosed spaces
A – Avoid crowded places
C – Clean your hands regularly
T – Two metres apart at all times
S – Self-isolate and book a test the moment you experience symptoms

If you have any symptoms you should book a test via or call 0800 028 2816 if you cannot get online and must not attend asymptomatic testing sites.

Increased COVID-19 Community Testing

NHS Grampian are encouraging everyone to get tested, whether or not you are displaying symptoms.

Free testing is available to residents aged over 5 years-old, for those who have no symptoms of COVID-19 but who could be infectious and spreading the virus without knowing it. No booking is required.

Extra testing is being put in place with a mobile testing unit due to begin operation at Elgin Academy from Friday 7th May. The Mobile Testing Unit will provide PCR testing for staff and pupils on school days and be open to the public during the weekend. 

Mobile Testing Units will also be visiting towns and villages around the region. Details will be published here, and also on Moray Council’s COVID-19 section on their website.

Lateral flow tests will be used, with results usually available within half an hour. Positive lateral flow tests will be followed by PCR testing, with results confirmed through a laboratory. 

The following table gives details of both walk-in and drive-in* testing centres

LocationDate(s)Opening Hours
Elgin – 30/32 High StreetFrom 4th May 202109:30 – 16:00
(Monday to Friday)
* Buckie – Cluny Square Car Park, AB56 1AHFrom w/c 3rd May 202109:45 – 11:45
(Monday and Thursday)
* Keith – Regent Square Car Park, AB55 5DXFrom w/c 3rd May 202113:45 – 15:45 (Monday and Thursday)
* Forres – Leys Road Car Park,
IV36 1DS
From 7th May 202109:45 – 11:45 (Tuesday and Friday)
* Aberlour – Alice Littler Park Car Park, AB38 9QPFrom w/c 3rd May 202113:45 – 15:45 (Tuesday and Friday)
* Elgin – Moray Leisure Centre Car Park,
IV30 1AP
From w/c 3rd May 202109:30 – 16:00 (Wednesday)

Use a COVID-19 Patron Recording System

a person using an app on his phone

It is mandatory for all premises offering ‘sit-down hospitality’ to record details of all patrons. This applies to any hospitality establishment that provides an on-site service such as pubs, restaurants and cafes.

Sit-down hospitality includes where a service is provided indoors, or outdoors in a designated service area such as a beer garden.

It does not apply where services are taken off-site immediately, for example, a food outlet which only provides takeaways.

If a business offers a mixture of a sit-in and takeaway service, contact information only needs to be collected for customers who are sitting in.

The easiest way to do this is to use a patron recording system such as Moray Speyside Check & Protect or the Scottish Government Check-In Scotland App.

Moray Speyside Check & Protect

Visit Moray Speyside’s Check and Protect platform offers visitors and customers a safe, quick and easy way to check-in securely to any of around 100 participating venues using their mobile phone.

Businesses sign-up, access their unique QR codes and posters, then use an easy business dashboard to manage the system, which also allows you to manually add the details of any guests who do not wish to sign-up, or who do not have a mobile phone.

More information on Visit Moray Speyside’s Check and Protect system is available here and is easy to set up and use.

Check-In Scotland App

The Scottish Government’s Check-In Scotland App allows you to log your contact details with any business or venue that displays the Check In Scotland Test and Protect QR code poster.

Find out more about the Check-in Scotland App on the Scottish Government website.

Scottish Government Tools & Resources

The Scottish Government have produced a range of tools and resources to assist businesses; these include downloadable posters and guides.

The government have also released a handy guide that gives advice for employees working during the COVID-19 Pandemic.