Visit Moray Speyside (VMS) are the Destination Marketing Organisation and Tourism Business Improvement District (BID) Company for the Moray & Speyside area of Scotland.

Visit Moray Speyside’s work is focused on three main areas of activity.

  • Marketing – Destination marketing for Moray Speyside. Attracting consumers and engaging with the international travel trade to position Moray as a world-class destination.
  • Business Support – Supporting tourism businesses in the region with training, opportunities, digital skills and more.
  • Visitor Experience – Improving the experience for visitors from inspiration to arrival and beyond.

Visit Moray Speyside works in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, tourism organisations, community groups and commercial businesses to drive forward tourism development in Moray Speyside.

Find out about our partners on our funders and partners page

The Moray Speyside Tourism Business Improvement District is just the second operational Tourism BID in Scotland, the other Tourism BID is nearby in Inverness where Visit Inverness Loch Ness BID is now into its second five-year term.

You can find out more about Business Improvement Districts at the Business Improvement District Scotland website.

Businesses have voted YES to introducing the Tourism BID.

The results for the Tourism BID ballot were as follows: –

  • Turnout by headcount was 37.91%
  • Turnout by rateable value (RV) was 69.27%
  • Number of votes cast was 141 with 106 voting in favour of the BID
  • The combined rateable value of those that voted was £12,185,950 with 97.17% (£11,841,150) voting in favour of the BID.

The vote was therefore successful on all counts required by law and Visit Moray Speyside, the Tourism BID company for Moray began its work on 1st April 2020.  The company is a not-for-profit limited company, with its purpose being to deliver the objectives of the Moray Speyside Tourism BID Business Plan over 5 years.

See the ballot result in full Tourism BID Ballot Result