These resource guides provide introductions to five important sustainability topics;

Communication – how to communicate your commitment and progress on your green journey.
Awareness – how to build awareness of how you are raising the sustainability standard.
Food & Drink – what you can do to make the food and drink you offer or promote more sustainable.
Travel & Transport – hints and tips for helping you to transition to more sustainable travel alternatives.
Waste – how can do more to avoid, reduce, reuse and recycle waste.

Use these guides to begin your journey on becoming a more sustainable business!


In this guide, we look at how you can communicate your commitment and your progress on your ‘green journey’ to your staff, your suppliers, and your customers, with some handy tips to help you on your way.


This guide shows you how to build awareness of how you are raising the sustainability standard – and encourage others to follow your ‘green’ lead.

Food & Drink

In this guide, we look at what you can do to make the food and drink you offer or promote more sustainable.

Travel & Transport

With the rising costs of fossil fuels, travel is going to become a greater issue and now is the time for businesses to encourage customers, staff, and visitors to travel in a more sustainable way.


There is growing pressure on businesses to find innovative ways to manage waste and make more sustainable choices that are beneficial to people, places, and our planet.