Coronavirus Call for Materials

The National Library of Scotland are calling for copies of COVID-19 related material produced by businesses to communicate with the public about their changed business operations.

What materials are relevant?

  • Signs and posters with directional information to assist social distancing
  • Signs and posters with instructions for wearing a face mask and cleaning hands
  • Signs showing changes to business opening hours
  • Re-opening information, including health and safety measures to keep the public safe
  • Materials that demonstrate any involvement with local business campaigns to increase footfallor drive online traffic.

We are interested in a lot of used print materials that might be routinely discarded. It is often the everyday, unconventional materials that provide the most accurate social record of historical events.

Where can businesses send materials?

Our preference is to receive any ‘used’ materials provided this does not deprive business of vital resource, and the materials have sat in quarantine for a reasonable period of time. Please do not risk your own or others’ health when gathering material.

We welcome contributions at the following address:

Acquisitions – Coronavirus Collecting
National Library of Scotland
92 Cowgate

How will the materials be used?

All business materials received, will be safely preserved as part of the national collection for all time. The public will be able to call up a representative sample of the materials on the Library catalogue.

If businesses give permission, we intend to feature a picture of their materials on the National Library’s blog. This would form part of a post describing the Library’s work to document the impact of the pandemic on Scottish life and society. The hope is that this would draw attention to the pressures on the high street while encouraging other Scottish Business Improvement Districts to send their contributions.

As we continue to face the challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic, the National Library will be grateful for contributions towards this lasting public resource.