First Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that despite encouraging progress over the last week, Moray’s COVID-19 rate is still too high to allow us to move into level two.

The region will therefore remain in Level three for a further period, with travel in and out of the area prohibited other than for permitted purposes.
The situation will be revised in a week, whereupon we hope that the situation will have improved sufficiently to allow progress to level two.
Details of the financial support available is detailed below.
Financial Support
The Moray Local Restrictions Grant provides grants to specific businesses in Moray that are impacted by the Scottish Government’s decision to retain Protection Level 3 Restrictions in response to rates of COVID-19 in the Moray area.
This fund will provide grants of up to £1,500, depending on Rateable Value, to cover up to a two-week period, to specific businesses that previously received financial support through the Strategic Framework Business Fund or the Small Accommodation Providers Paying Council Tax Support Fund.
This fund provides further financial support of:
Up to £1,500 of support to those sectors in Moray that remain closed in Protection Level 3 but which will be permitted to open or subject to less stringent restrictions elsewhere in Scotland from Monday 17 May 2021 in accordance with the Scottish Government’s Routemap.
Up to £1,000 of support to the hospitality and tourism sector in Moray in recognition of the impact travel restrictions will have as only permitted travel in and out of the council area will be in force from 17 May.
It provides support to accommodation businesses that are otherwise ineligible for support at Protection Level 3.
Retail and sectors closed by law elsewhere in Scotland at Level 2 are not eligible for this additional support.
If you operate a business in Moray that the Regulations require to remain closed at Protection Level 3 but would be permitted to open in other parts of Scotland from Monday 17 May 2021 you will receive:
£1,500 for properties with Rateable Value of £51,001 or over;
£1,000 for properties with Rateable Value up to £51,000.
If you operate a business in Moray that the Regulations require to modify its operations because of being in Protection Level 3 you will receive:
£1,050 for properties with Rateable Value of £51,001 or over;
£700 for properties with Rateable Value up to £51,000.
If you operate a hospitality or tourism business in Moray that the Scottish Government considers to be impacted by travel restrictions but are not specifically required to close or modify its operations by Regulation at Protection Level 3, you are eligible for:
up to £1,000 for properties with a Rateable Value of £51,001 or over;
up to £500 for properties with a Rateable Value up to £51,000 or which pay Council Tax rather than Non-Domestic Rates.
To ensure parity with businesses elsewhere in Scotland, only those businesses in Moray that remain closed in Protection Level 3 but which would have otherwise permitted to open or subject to less stringent restrictions from Monday 17 May in accordance with the Scottish Government’s Routemap are eligible for support.
These grants are provided to cover up to a two-week period from Monday 17 May 2021.
Grants will be processed by Friday 21st May to businesses that meet the eligibility criteria and which have previously received support through the Strategic Framework Business Fund or the Small Accommodation Providers Paying Council Tax Support Fund.
Businesses do not need to apply for this fund.
To simplify – If you received funding from the SFBF Closure / Restrictions fund or from the Small Accommodation Providers Paying Council Tax (SAPCTF) your payment will come automatically.
Those not previously in receipt of SFBF or SAPCTF will need to apply for support through a new round of Moray Council’s Discretionary Grant.
Read for yourself on Scot Gov website – HERE
* Accommodation includes hotels, B&B self-catering and hostels
**Hospitality Businesses include: Restaurants, bars, pubs, licensed social and sports clubs, cafes and hotels Accommodation providers who have been in receipt of SFBF payments will not need to apply and will receive these payments automatically (and top ups if required after 2 weeks if situation remains same).
** Businesses required to close includes leisure and entertainment venues such as cinemas, theatres, nightclubs and concert halls and stadia.
How long will Moray be in Level Three?
Moray will remain in Scottish Government level three for a further period which is initially expected to be two weeks. There will be a review point at 7 days, whereby a decision will be made as to whether the region is able to move down to level two, or remain in level three.
I have guests here – do they have to leave?
As soon as other areas of Scotland move to level two, with Moray in level three, a new set of restrictions around travel & transport come into effect. It will be forbidden to enter or leave Moray for leisure purposes.
Guests who are currently enjoying their break do not have to leave immediately, they can complete their stay in our region but should not travel out with the region.
Check the Legislation out HERE
I have a booking for guests to arrive on Monday (or after), do I have to cancel them?
Yes, if they are from out with Moray Speyside as travel for leisure purposes is forbidden for anyone who does not live in Moray Speyside while we are in a different level.
Check the Legislation out HERE
What is Visit Moray Speyside doing to promote the region and restore visitor confidence?
Visit Moray Speyside’s ongoing marketing and promotion of our region to the visiting world will continue on social media via targeted Facebook Ads, YouTube and online advertising throughout the period of closure with our core messaging slightly adapted to reflect the temporary status.
Our planned marketing activities will be ramped up in the weeks to come, communicating a message of reassurance, of responsible tourism, and of course, highlighting the great tourism assets on offer here.
We will be submitting an application to VisitScotland’s new Destination Fund to support a comprehensive marketing campaign to run throughout the remainder of the year and deployed in our key target markets.
Visit With Confidence Brand Mark
We have developed a variation of our logo which is intended to offer a means to communicate that our wonderful region is somewhere you can visit with confidence.

The logo is free for you to download and use on your own marketing and promotional materials, and will be rolled out through our partners and stakeholders in the days and weeks to come.