Friday 21st May 2021
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today confirmed that Moray’s COVID-19 rate has reduced sufficiently to allow the region to move into Level Two as from MIDNIGHT TONIGHT (Friday 21st May)
This is welcome news for everyone, but it is far from the end of the road and we must all now work as hard as possible to keep the region’s COVID-19 rates as low as they can be. It’s even more important now to maintain social distancing, wear masks, get tested and use a Check-in App.
We can’t afford to risk moving back up to Level Three, as the damage inflicted on our industry by a backwards move will be devastating.
Visit Moray Speyside’s reaction to the announcement:
“This is welcome news. Moray Speyside is, and always has been a safe place to visit. We are eager to welcome visitors back and confident that they will have the best of times here.
Our tourism businesses, employees and communities have sacrificed such a lot over the past year, that they must now be allowed the opportunity to rebuild and restore their operations. We do however, reiterate to the Scottish Government and to Moray Council that the level of financial support offered to our businesses has been derisory and will have done nothing to mitigate the losses suffered by many”.