The Carisbrooke Hotel

Location icon Forres

Drumduan Road Forres Moray IV36 1BS what3words student.breathy.superhero Every 3 metre square of the world has been given a unique combination of three words. Find out more at


Carisbrooke Hotel is situated in Forres, Moray. The hotel offers many amenities to its visitors such as: popular bar and visitors alike, karaoke machine with a TV, games & entertainment area, and regular themed night like ‘Weakest Link’ and ‘Stars in their eyes specialties’

The hotel is focused on golf breaks and fishing holidays (with permits available for the River Findhorn). Near to the Forres golf course and Nairn golf course and plenty of places to fish for trout and salmon if that’s your thing.


  • Children Welcome
  • Pet Friendly

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