Rural Ireland, 1981. THE QUIET GIRL is a delicate drama that follows shy nine-year-old Cáit (played by newcomer Catherine Clinch), who has been separated from her immediate dysfunctional family and left in the care of two distant relatives for the summer. After sun-dappled days spent milking cows, peeling potatoes, and fetching water from the well, the initially uncommunicative child soon opens to her foster parents. Textual and tender, this award-winning film from first-time feature director Colm Bairéad, based on the novella ‘Foster’ by Claire Keegan, shows that home is where you feel loved.
“Deeply moving tale of rural Ireland already feels like a classic” ***** The Guardian
£5 Entry for All – prebook online or pay on the door.
Rated 12 | Running Time 1 hour 31 min | Screened in Irish & English with English Subtitles