SCOTO Roadshow 2023:
From Shetland to Selkirk and Benbecula to Brechin, join our Roadshow and find out how the SCOTO network can support you.
From January to March 2023, SCOTO is on tour to raise awareness of the scale and impact of community led tourism across Scotland.
Come along to our free face-to-face and virtual workshop events, which aim to stimulate peer-to-peer networking, nurture the collaboration between local enterprises, help you to tell your community story to visitors and explain how SCOTO Network can support you.
The Roadshow has been made possible through funding from a Rural & Island Communities Ideas into Action (RICIA) grant, delivered in partnership between The Scottish Government and Inspiring Scotland.
The Roadshow will hit over 25 locations across Scotland, but we will also be hosting virtual meetings if you still can’t make one of these events. Each week there will be shorter evening virtual ‘catch ups’ on Zoom for anyone unable to attend the face-to-face events, allowing for an overview of the week and gathering other ideas and thoughts. You can view the tour by region or see the full calendar below.
Who is the event for?
> Social enterprises & community organisations delivering community tourism
> Organisations aspiring to set up a tourism offer
> Local tourism groups
> Individuals in roles that can support community tourism
> Other community interests relevant to tourism, including heritage, paths, woodlands, and festivals
> Existing SCOTO members.
What will the events invovle?
> Welcome & Networking
> Round table introductions
> SCOTO community tourism presentation
> Local themed workshop discussions – current issues/opportunities/mapping community tourism in the area.
> Networking Lunch
> Optional ‘Talk & Tour’ (Depending on location)
Each event will last around 3 hours and be based in a local venue for approximately 15-20 people.