
Directed by Gail Sneddon

Performance Times:
Saturday 3 July & Sunday 4 July Performances 13.00 / 16.00 /19.00

“You may forget, but let me tell you this: someone in the future will think of us” – Sappho

SAVAGE is an immersive dance theatre performance piece set in the stunning landscape of the Findhorn dunes. We, the audience are guided by young women, the last of their kind, into an elemental world outside of time and place. We pass through mythic spirals and labyrinths and are drawn deeper into the centre of an unfolding mystery. Who are these women? Who are we to them? What is their story? What do they want from us?

Each one of us will journey together yet alone listening to the soundtrack on headphones.

“Your footsteps echo in the land that once was ours” – The Women

Choreography: Gail Sneddon and the Dancers
Dancers: Mia Barre, Maya Chambers, Alana Coutts, Emma Dunsmore, Daisy Edmonds, Millie Goodyear, Florence Olive Spilsbery Roberts, Eilidh Stuart
Guide: Ava Rooke
Rehearsal assistant: Tiffany Broadfoot
Audio text written by the Dancers
Writing mentor and editor: Margot Henderson
Sound operation and edit: Steve Gasgarth
Recording: Jason Sinclair
Costume: Jennifer Cantwell

Brought to you by Dance North Scotland.

Findhorn Foundation

The Park
Findhorn, Forres
IV36 3TZ