
Join Yann Tiersen & QUINQUIS on their Musical Sailboat Adventure!

Embark on a unique musical journey with Breton composer Yann Tiersen and QUINQUIS as they set sail on their sailboat, Ninnog, for a series of performances across Ireland, Wales, Scotland, England, and the Faroe Islands. This tour is not just about music – it’s a direct political statement addressing the ecological impact of traditional large-scale touring. Together, they aim to challenge established methods of touring and promote alternative ways of thinking.

Experience the magic of Yann Tiersen’s electronic performance and captivating solo piano works, including his mesmerising composition, Kerber. Dive into QUINQUIS’ enchanting blend of modular electronics and Breton songwriting. Prepare to be transported as they provide a live musical accompaniment to Jérôme Poncet and Gérard Janichon’s cult film, Damien’s Journey, capturing their 5-year, 55,000 mile world tour by boat, which began in 1969.

Adding a personal touch to the NINNOG SUMMER TOUR 2023, the artists are accompanied by their child, eagerly looking forward to engaging with the local community and forging connections with kindred spirits. This concert is an invitation for all to join in this remarkable musical gathering as community making.

In alignment with the artists’ ecological initiative, we are proud to offer an Eco Ticket price for attendees who arrive on foot, bike, or car share with non-relatives. Let’s come together to support sustainable practices and embrace a new way of enjoying music and live performances.

Secure your spot on this extraordinary sailboat adventure and be part of this movement towards a greener and more conscientious touring experience at the Universal Hall.

Universal Hall

Universal Hall, The Park, Findhorn
IV36 3TZ
