This Y2Bee Peer Mentor training aims to support young people (14 – 18 years old) in their community as peer mentors and increase young people’s emotional resilience through improving young people’s understanding of how to manage their own mental health.
Acknowledging that alongside their youth workers, young people will often turn to their most trusted friends for advice and help. Equally, it is often friends who will identify if one of their peers is struggling somehow or something is ‘not quite right’. The purpose of the Peer Mentor training is to positively build upon this experience and support young people with appropriate training and methodology to be effective.
The training will cover:
What it means to be a peer mentor
How being a peer mentor can help young people
Active listening skills and practice
Creative tools to support peer mentor-mentee relationship building
Safeguarding, boundaries and confidentiality
Considerations for setting up peer mentoring at your youth group
Further training to support young people with young leader roles can be booked by contacting Allan Young (Y2Bee Development Worker).
Young people must be accompanied on the training by at least one youth worker from their youth group. Places are limited.
When registering, please:
– Choose a ticket per youth worker and a ticket per young person
– Provide dietary requirements when asked (lunch will be provided)
– Provide emergency contact details when asked