A Cat Called Dom Film followed by a Q&A Session.

Real life and fiction blur in this heartfelt, award-winning fusion of animation and documentary filmmaking.

A Cat Called Dom details filmmaker Will Anderson’s relationship with his mother and their journey following the diagnosis of her cancer. Whilst alone, Will privately keeps council with an animated cat called Dom – a curious character living inside of his computer screen who interjects with observations, questions and actions that shed a light on Will’s feelings to a darkly humorous and often poignant effect.

Created with co-director and collaborator, Ainslie Henderson, the film documents the manifold emotions Will experiences, as he juggles the pressures of filmmaking and personal trauma whilst coming to terms with a potential, earth shattering loss.

But when emotions, events and styles collide, tensions rise between the two filmmakers and the film itself transforms into something far removed from what was originally intended. Will it ever dawn on Will that the heart of his film is found in his love for his mother and that loss too can be a chance for connection?

Will Anderson & Ainslie Henderson are BAFTA-winning filmmakers from Scotland. They have written, directed and produced work for film, tv, theatre & online for several years working with broadcasters such as BBC, Channel 4, MTV, and WarnerMedia. Both have extensively screened their work internationally, winning over 100 awards for their narrative shorts & have been nominated for the Short Animation BAFTA 4 times.

“A moving portrait of a son’s love for his mother’ – **** Scotsman
“Thought provoking and poignant” – Deadline
“An ingenious experiment in filmmaking as therapy” – The Skinny

Screened in English | Rating TBC (expected to be 12 or 15) | Running time 60 min

£7 Gen Admission | £6 U 16’s

Following the screening there will be a Q&A Session with Will Anderson, a BAFTA-winning filmmaker and animator from Scotland. Edinburgh based, he writes, directs & produces lots of character driven, dialogue-led animated work for film, tv, theatre & online. With character at the heart of it, spanning 2D to 3D design, process drives his stories, which lean on existential themes.

Will’s work has been commissioned and supported by BBC, BFI, MTV, [adult swim] and WarnerBros. Discovery.

A CAT CALLED DOM is a co-direction between Will and stop frame filmmaker Ainslie Henderson. Both creators have been working together for the last 15 years, this being their first feature project. The film won the EIFF Powell & Pressburger Award in 2022, and has been met with outstanding reviews from critics and cinema-goers alike.”

Tickets will also available on the door, on the night.

Universal Hall, Findhorn

The Universal Hall, The Park, Findhorn
IV36 3TZ

