COVID-19 Information for Visitors to Moray Speyside
If you are a visitor looking for COVID-19 information for Moray Speyside, this page will help.
Please check The Scottish Government Website for up to date information before you travel.
Current COVID-19 Status in Moray Speyside
Beyond Level Zero
*Update* Government Confirm Level Zero (and beyond) from 9th August 2021
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon confirmed that Scotland will move to ‘beyond level zero’ from Monday 9th August.
– Most of the remaining restrictions will be lifted from Monday 9th August.
– Current social distancing measures and limits on social gatherings will be lifted.
– All venues will be able to open with some mitigation measures.
– Changes to automatic isolation for close contacts.
– Local restrictions may be used as required.
What you can do at Level Zero
At Level 0:
- you can meet friends and family socially in groups:
- of up to 8 people from 4 households in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight
- of up to 10 people from 4 households in an indoor public place like a café, pub or restaurant. Hospitality settings will be required to close at midnight
- of up to 15 people from 15 households outdoors
- under 12s do not count towards the total number of people meeting outside or indoors
- you do not need to physically distance from family and friends in a private home or outdoors. However, your gathering should maintain at least 1m distance from all others
- you need to maintain at least 1m distance from other households in all indoor public settings
- you can travel anywhere in Scotland
- you can travel anywhere in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands – before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries
- you can provide informal childcare, for example to look after a grandchild
- up to 200 people can attend weddings and funerals
- you can take part in any sport or exercise activity, including adult indoor contact sports
- tradespeople can carry out any work in your home such as painting, decorating or repairing
- you should continue to work from home where possible
What can open at Level 0
Places and business that can open at Level 0 include:
- cafés, pubs and restaurants
- all shops and stores
- all close contact services including hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons
- all sport and exercise
- tourist accommodation
- all visitor attractions
- all public buildings like libraries and community centres
- all entertainment (apart from nightclubs and adult entertainment)
- stadiums and events – with maximum numbers
What must close at Level 0
Places and business that must close at Level 0 include:
- nightclubs and adult entertainment
Visit the Scottish Government website for full Level Zero information
Important Information to Remember
- Wear a face covering on public transport, in shops, tourist attractions, cinemas and pubs, bars, restaurants and cafés, when not at your table.
- Avoid crowed areas.
- Pay by contactless card where possible – most businesses prefer not to take cash right now.
- If you develop COVID-19 symptoms, self-isolate and follow the advice from the Scottish Government.
- Take advantage of food and drink businesses offering delivery and collection.
- Maintain a 2-metre distance from anyone outside your household, unless in hospitality where a 1 metre distance is allowed.
- Download the Moray Speyside Check & Protect App
Can I travel around Moray Speyside and the rest of Scotland?
Yes. From Friday 16 April, you can travel to see people, exercise or to explore. You can see up to six people from six households outdoors only (not including children under 12). Click here to see our guide on travel around Moray Speyside.
Can I stay overnight on a short break?
Yes. From Monday 26 April you can travel around Scotland and stay overnight.
Until then although you will be able to visit family and friends, you cannot stay overnight outwith your own council area. This includes camping and travelling by motorhome.
Can I visit Scotland from the rest of the UK?
Yes. From Monday 26 April you can travel to Scotland from England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Channel Islands and the Isle of Man.
Can I visit Scotland from abroad?
Yes, subject to Scottish and UK Government restrictions – If you can’t get here though, why not follow us on Instagram and be inspired by our lovely area whilst you wait to come back.
What are the current limits on group sizes?
The maximum number of people who can meet socially indoors in a private dwelling (in a home) is 8 which can be from 4 households, including for overnight stays.
Children under the age of 12 do not count towards the total number of people permitted to meet.
You can also go into another person’s house for certain essential reasons, such as for essential work, to join your extended household or to provide care and support for a vulnerable person. This can include providing emotional support for someone whose wellbeing is at risk, including for those who are isolated because of disability or a caring responsibility or where they are a parent or carer of a child under one.
When you meet people from another household indoors you:
- do not need to physically distance from family and friends in a private home
- should minimise the number of meetings you have with people from other households each day
- should maintain hand and cough hygiene
- should avoid touching hard surfaces with your hands
- should wash your hands when you arrive, when you leave, when you get home and especially before eating or after touching surfaces
- should not share food or utensils
- should keep rooms well ventilated, if possible – consider opening windows or a door
Meeting others indoors in a public place (such as a bar or café)
The maximum number of people who can meet socially indoors in a public place (not a home) is 10 which can be from up to 4 separate households.
Children under the age of 12 do not count towards the total number of people permitted to meet.
Children under 12 do not need to maintain physical distance from others.
Those at a higher risk of severe illness from coronavirus (including those who had been shielding, people 70 and over, people who are pregnant and people with an underlying medical condition) should strictly follow the physical distancing guidance.
Stay at least 1 metre apart from anyone who is not part of your household.
Remember FACTS
- Face coverings in enclosed spaces
- Avoid crowded places
- Clean your hands and surfaces regularly
- Two-metre social distancing
- Self-isolate and book a test if you develop coronavirus symptoms
What to expect in shops, bars and restaurants
We’ll be asking businesses to say “We’re Open” so you’re able to search our site and see what’s available for your trip. Just use our search facility which is automatically set to show We’re Open businesses.
The UK’s Tourism agencies have introduced a new scheme – Good to Go – where businesses can sign up to indicate that they employ a wide range of measures to minimise the risk of COVID-19.
The Good to Go scheme is now part of the global Safe Travels stamp so it’s even more reassurance for our international visitors when they return.
- Accommodation – hotels, self-catering, camping and more.
- Outdoor Activities – water sports, cycling, walking, fishing, golf.
- Attractions – castles, museums, galleries, parks, gardens, monuments.
- Food & Drink – pubs, cafes, restaurants and bars.
Find out more on Good to Go.
- Shop local
- Be patient
- Wear a face covering unless you are exempt.
- Travel in as small a group as possible.
- Shop on your own, or if you are with children, have caring responsibilities or disabilities, which can be un-seen, shop in as small a group as possible.
- Avoid crowded business and areas
- Be polite and behave
- Always observe physical distancing, keeping either 2 metres, or in hospitality premises operating within the exemption, 1 metre from the next person, unless from the same household or a carer.
- Always follow Scottish Government advice on travelling and visiting services provided by the tourism and hospitality sector – see Transport Scotland for current transport advice.
What you can do at Level 1
- you can meet socially in groups:
- of up to 6 people from 3 households in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight
- of up to 8 people from 3 households in an indoor public place like a café, pub or restaurant
- of up to 12 people from 12 households outdoors in your garden or a public place
- under 12s do not count towards the total number of people or households meeting outside but do count towards the number of households indoors
- you do not need to physically distance from family and friends in a private home
- you can travel anywhere in Scotland in Levels 0, 1 or 2 but must not enter a Level 3 or 4 area unless for a permitted reason
- you can travel anywhere in England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands – before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries
- you can provide informal childcare, for example to look after a grandchild
- up to 100 people can attend weddings and funerals
- tradespeople can carry out any work and repairs in your home such as painting, decorating or repairing
- you should work from home where possible
What can open at Level 1
Places and business that can open at Level 1 include:
- cafés, pubs and restaurants
- all shops and stores
- all close contact services including hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons
- gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools
- tourist accommodation
- all visitor attractions
- all public buildings like libraries and community centres
- all entertainment (apart from nightclubs and adult entertainment)
- stadiums and events – with maximum numbers
What must close at Level 1
Places and business that must close at Level 1 include:
- nightclubs and adult entertainment
What you can do at Level 2:
- you can meet socially in groups of up to:
- 6 people from 3 households in your home or theirs – and can stay overnight
- 6 people from 3 households in an indoor public place like a café, pub or restaurant
- 8 people from 8 households outdoors
- under 12s do not count towards the total number of people or households meeting outside but do count towards household numbers indoors
- you do not need to physically distance from family and friends in a private home
- you can travel anywhere in Scotland in Levels 0, 1 or 2 but must not enter a Level 3 or 4 area unless you have a permitted reason like going to work or caring for a vulnerable person
- you can travel to England, Wales, Northern Ireland, the Isle of Man or the Channel Islands – before you travel you must check the travel rules in those countries
- you can provide informal childcare, for example to look after a grandchild
- up to 50 people can attend weddings and funerals
- tradespeople can carry out any work in your home such as painting, decorating or repairing
- you should work from home where possible
Places and business that can open at Level 2 include:
- cafés, pubs and restaurants
- all shops and stores
- all close contact services including hairdressers, barbers and beauty salons
- gyms, leisure centres and swimming pools
- tourist accommodation
- visitor attractions
- public buildings like libraries and community centres
- cinemas, theatres, concert halls, amusement arcades, casinos, bingo halls, bowling alleys and snooker/pool halls
- stadiums and events – with maximum numbers
What must close at Level 2
- soft play, funfairs, nightclubs and adult entertainment
See full details of what you can do at each level on the Scottish Government Website