COVID-19 Funding Update from the Scottish Government on COVID Tourism grant funding and Support for Larger Self-Catering Premises, Exclusive Use Properties and B&Bs

Details of support for larger self-catering properties and B&Bs paying council tax have been confirmed by Tourism Secretary Fergus Ewing.

Holiday accommodation providers, including self-catering properties, exclusive use properties, B&Bs and other accommodation types required to close under The Health Protection (Coronavirus) (Restrictions and Requirements) (Local Levels) (Scotland) Regulations 2020, and liable for Non Domestic Rates are already eligible for grants under the Strategic Framework Business Fund, and should apply to their Local Authority to get this.

In addition certain types of self-catering and exclusive use accommodation, and B&Bs paying council tax, will receive tailored support, because of the unique impact on them, or their unique position (B&Bs),

For self-catering and exclusive use there is one-off additional support valued at £7 million comprising:

The Large Self-Catering Grant which was originally announced by the Scottish Government as part of the £104 million tourism and hospitality package in December (to be referred to as the ‘Large Self-Catering Grant’).

This fund has been designed in recognition that larger self-catering properties have been uniquely impacted by the single household rule introduced on the 23rd of September.

Self-catering businesses are eligible to apply if they have a property which accommodates 7 or more people for which they pay Non Domestic Rates

The number of bed spaces will be linked to records held by Rates Assessors.  The large self-catering COVID tourism grant will make one off payments of £2,000 available to eligible applicants.

The Exclusive Use Grant which was announced as part of the same package (to be referred to as the ‘Exclusive Use Grant’).

In recognition of the restrictions on gatherings and the one household rule for self-catering accommodation, ‘Exclusive use’ properties are eligible to apply for one off grants of £10,000 if they pay Non Domestic Rates and have been evaluated by the Scottish Assessors Association as an Exclusive Use Venue providing overnight accommodation, either in their main building or in lodges at the property or a combination of both.

For B&Bs paying council tax there is additional support valued at £1m every 4 weeks (to be referred to as the ‘Support for B&Bs paying Council Tax Grant’).

B&Bs paying council tax will get equivalent support comprising  £2,000 every 4 weeks. Support will be provided to eligible  B&Bs which do not pay Non Domestic Rates, but pay council tax. 

The Strategic Framework Business Fund (SFBF) provides grants for NDR paying businesses required to close by law as a result of COVID-19 restrictions. 

Please note that businesses operating without a business bank account but meeting other key eligibility criteria will be eligible for support. 

Business are asked NOT to contact their local authority about the Large Self-Catering, Exclusive Use and Support for B&Bs paying Council Tax Fund at this point, but to monitor Find Business Support for more details. 

Further information is available on our dedicated COVID-19 support page

Corona Virus – Funding and Grants / General Information for Tourism Businesses in Moray Speyside

This page contains up to date details of all COVID related funding, information and guidance for Businesses in Moray Speyside.

If you are a visitor looking for COVID-19 information, please go the the Scottish Government website.

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